CASPA is the well-known and highly respected tool that provides a wide array of comparisons and analysis of SEN pupil progress for individuals, groups of pupils and at the whole-school level.

SEN pupils clearly do not progress in the same way that other pupils tend to, so CASPA allows schools to compare an SEN pupil’s attainment and progress to that of other similar pupils.

Details about CASPA, including resources to support users and those who are considering use of CASPA, can be found on the CASPA website:

RSE Insight has exclusive rights to licence CASPA.  RSE Insight also provides:

  • Technical support
  • Guidance and support in making best use of CASPA
  • End-user training, either at a schools’ sites or via public training days
  • Consultancy in the analysis of attainment and progress, providing tailored assistance to schools to maximise use of CASPA

To enquire about any of the services we provide, please contact us at or 01308 455736